Place Settings

Transform your table instantly with Italian dinner place settings, thoughtfully curated to ensure each place has the perfect assortment.
    91 products
    Melamine Lastra White Twelve-Piece Place Setting
    Santorini Assorted 12-Piece Place Setting by VIETRI
    Santorini Assorted 12-Piece Place Setting
    Lastra Holiday Sixteen-Piece Place Setting by VIETRI
    Lastra Holiday
    Lastra Holiday Sixteen-Piece Place Setting
    Lastra Holiday Four-Piece Place Setting by VIETRI
    Lastra Holiday
    Lastra Holiday Four-Piece Place Setting
    Melamine Lastra Holiday Twelve-Piece Place Setting
    Melamine Campagna Pesce Four-Piece Place Setting
    Melamine Lastra White Three-Piece Place Setting
    Albero Elm Five-Piece Place Setting by VIETRI
    Elm Oak
    Albero Five-Piece Place Setting
    Melamine Campagna Uccello Four-Piece Place Setting
    Melamine Campagna Porco Four-Piece Place Setting
    Melamine Campagna Gallina Four-Piece Place Setting
    Melamine Lastra Holiday Three-Piece Place Setting
    Old St. Nick Animal Hat Four-Piece Place Setting by VIETRI
    Old St. Nick
    Old St. Nick Animal Hat Four-Piece Place Setting
    Old St. Nick Green Hat Four-Piece Place Setting by VIETRI
    Old St. Nick
    Old St. Nick Green Hat Four-Piece Place Setting
    Incanto Lace Four-Piece Place Setting by VIETRI
    Incanto Lace Four-Piece Place Setting
    Incanto Stripe Four-Piece Place Setting by VIETRI
    Incanto Stripe Four-Piece Place Setting
    Old St. Nick Striped Hat Four-Piece Place Setting by VIETRI
    Old St. Nick
    Old St. Nick Striped Hat Four-Piece Place Setting